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Table of Contents:


General Study Sources

BioEd is an online educational resource for life science educators. It provides access to lesson plans, activities, lab techniques, science standards and current educational issues.

EdX offers interactive online classes and MOOCs from the world’s best universities.

A project to develop a page of information on each species on Earth.

  provides access to scientific databases and software tools (i.e., resources) in different areas of life sciences such as proteomics, genomics, phylogeny, systems biology, population genetics, transcriptomics. On this portal you find resources from many different SIB groups as well as external institutions.

Images of nonvascular plants, invertebrates, protests, fungi, bacteria, and seed plants.

Website offers online references, top science news stories, grant opportunities for individuals and institutions, virtual labs and museums, teaching resources, lecture series and biointeractive teaching tools.

iBiology's mission is to convey, in the form of open-access free videos, the excitement of modern biology and the process by which scientific discoveries are made.

Jablonski Diagram Molecular Expressions: Interactive Java tutorials.

MacMillan Learning: 106 tutorials on topics in biology.

zeroBiology: Biology quizzes, games, worksheets, dissections, and songs for students.

Flashcard Database: Site has sets of biology-related flashcards to study, capacity to develop your own, and information to download the app from iTunes.

Past International Biology Olympiad Exams.

Interactive animations from Wiley Publishers Interactive Concepts for Biochemistry.

Botany: An Introduction to Plant Biology, Fourth Edition by James D. Mauseth. Online biology text with numerous resources, study techniques, and extensive set of review questions

Biology: Provides comparisons in five areas of biology anatomy, botany, cellular biology, microbiology, and molecular biology.

  • Biology Extensive resources on content, animations, and interactive activities in the life sciences to include dissections, animals, the rainforest, and links to zoos and museums. Please note some links are not live. The site was last edited in 2009.
  • Mathematics Interactive tutorials, quizzes, lectures, and other resources on mathematics at high school level. Includes graphing, scatter plots, and more

 Online dichotomous keys for insects.

The Genetic Science Learning Center at The University of Utah  translates science and health for non-experts. In addition to genetics, we address all areas of life science and health as well as other scientific fields.

Mastering Biology (Pearson): Requires registration. Used to study AP Biology.

Makes the materials used in the teaching of MIT's subjects available on the Web.

Knowledge source with ability to ask questions, receive responses and participate in a blog.

Featured research from universities, journals, and other organizations.

Source of science, technology information and policy. 

Short, powerful talks to spread ideas in many disiplines to include biology.

Books of Interest to USABO Alums

Cell & Molecular Biology

Suggested supplemental resources


Genetics & Evolution

Suggested supplemental resources

Enrichment resources


Animal Anatomy & Physiology

Suggested supplemental resources


Enrichment resources

Plant Anatomy & Physiology


Suggested supplemental resources

Enrichment resources


Suggested supplemental resources

Enrichment resources

Scientists You May Like to Know


Geerat Vermeij, UC Davis, Evolution      Eugenie Clark, "The Shark Lady"           Jane Goodall, Ethologist           Eric Betzi, Image Tool Developer              


      Norman Borlaug, Agronomist               Sean Carroll, Genetics, Molecular Bio           Elizabeth Blackburn, Telomeres  Feng ZhangCRISPR-Cas9

Science Journal Links


      Issue Cover



"Fun" science sites recommended by USABO National Finalists

2023 USABO National Finalists

  • As Many Exceptions as Rules: Blog about biological exceptions.
  • BioMan: Games, virtual labs and activities.
  • Bird and Moon Science and Nature Cartoons: Nature comics by Rosemary Moscoe, a field naturalist by training who is interested in connecting people with environmental science through field experiences and creative communication projects.
  • Bug Guide: This site is also found in the insect section of IBO curiculum links. It is An online community of naturalists who enjoy learning about and sharing their observations of insects, spiders, and other related creatures. provides identification, images and information for insects, spiders and their kin found in the U.S. and Canada.
  • BrainPop: This site has animated movies, learning games, interactive quizzes, primary source activities, concept mapping, and more. 
  • EteRNA: Design RNA molecules.
  • Florida Institute for Neurologic Rehabilition, Inc 3D Brain Model Explore our interactive 3-dimensional brain atlas to discover where structures are located within the brain, their purpose, and explore brain injury models. All structures and models are accompanied by easy-to-understand detailed explanations. Available for a nominal fee as an app for your communication devices.
  • Foldit: Solve puzzles for science.
  • HHMI Biointeractive: A variety of engaging animations, lecture clips, virtual labs, and other classroom resources teach key concepts related to DNA’s structure and function.
  • The League of Nerds: Site to ask your questions about science.
  • Mnemonic Devices for Biology: Memory tools to remember concepts and information about biology.
  • National Geographic: National Geographic site includes geography, archaeology and natural science, and the promotion of environmental and historical conservation.Photographs, news, videos, and other resources.
  • Popular Science: News about gadgets, technology, and science.
  • Protein Spotlight: founded in the year 2000 to write about a specific protein - or family of proteins - on an informal tone. Despite the description of hard facts – such as a protein's function or its use in biotechnology – each article was to be a pleasant and relatively undemanding read for the Scientific Community.
  • r/biology: r/biology is a discussion board to discuss all things biology. The site is monitored. Be sure to follow the rules listed on the right with other important information about the site.
  •  Society for Science & the Public: Source of information on the INTEL and ISEF Competitions in addtion to Science News magazine, blog, and other information. the Soceity for Science is dedicated to public engagement in scientific research and education.
  • UC Davis ChemWiki: The Chemistry Libre Texts library is a principal hub of the Libre Texts project, which is a multi-institutional collaborative venture to develop the next generation of open-access texts to improve postsecondary education at all levels of higher learning.  
  • UCLA Life Sciences: Science news updates, research at UCLA, Scientist and Faculty Features, and more resources of interest.
  • Wiley's Interactive oncepts in Biochemistry: Instructional resources to supplement and extend complex biochemistry concepts.

Science for the Public Links



Biology Resources Linked to IBO Curriculum

Animal Anatomy and Physiology 25%


Cell and Molecular Biology 20%

Cell Organelles

Organelles: Basic description of structure and functions of organelles of plant and animal cells. Drawings are elementary, but the information is valuable

Cell Processes



General Information: Molecular Biology

Genetics and Evolution (20%)

General Information: Genetics


Mendelian Inheritance: monohybrid, dihybrid, and polyhybrid crosses

Hardy-Weinberg Principle

General Information: Evolution

Mechanisms of Evolution

Plant Anatomy and Physiology (15%)

General Information

Structure and function of tissues and organs involved in photosynthesis:

Ecology: 10%

General Information

Individual Organisms : Journal article on Ecology with individual as basic unit of ecosystem.


Biotic Communities (Information is specific to community, such as Southwest Arizona)

Native Botany Classroom: Contains information on biotic communities.


Ecosystems: Terrestrial, Freshwater, and Marine from the USGS: Discussion of ecosystesms and current research in these ecosystems. Program to set a scientific basis for the improvement of the relationships between people and their environment globally.

Biosphere and Man: Man and the Biosphere Programme: Program to set a scientific basis for the improvement of the relationships between people and their environment globally.

Ethology: 5%

General Information


Applied Ethology: International Society of Applied Ethology education and resource links.

Readings and Resources for Ethology: Images, readings, videos, research and other resources courtship, predation, human behavior, parental behavior, and more.

Methodology of Ethology

Animal World's Communications Kings from BBC News: Article on animal communication among dogs, parrots, apes, and other animals.

The Animal Communication Project: Descriptions of various animals methods of communication.

Innate and Learned Behavior


  • Classical Conditioning: Episode of the Office that demonstrates classical conditioning in a humorous, effective manner.
  • Operant Conditioning: Episode of the Big Bang Theory that demonstrates operant conditioning with humor and effectiveness.

Elements of Behavior from North Carolina State University: Comparisons of learned, innate, and complex behaviors with tutorials.

Innate Behavior from North Carolina State University: Descriptions, diagrams, and animations of innate behavior.

Communication and Social Behavior

Animal Behavior Farm at Indiana University Farm is a learning environment. Sit contains descriptions and images of social behavior among birds.

Foraging Behavior

Defensive Behavior

Animal Adaptations—Animal Defense from the Utah Education Network: Overview of animal behavior and detailed information on several species.

Animals on Defense Mechanisms: Describes and provides images for defensive behaviors in animals.

Introduction to Animal Behavior from BioEd Online: Lectures and powerpoints on animal behavior.

Mating Systems and Parental Care

The Principles of Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior (Mating Systems and Parental Care): Yale online course.

Spider courtship dance: A jumping spider tries out his fancy footwork (and coordinated vibrations!) on a prospective mate.

Biological Rhythms

Biological Rhythms from Neuroscience for Kids by Eric H. Chudler, Ph.D. Simple activities that focus on biological rhythms.

Biological Clocks from the Millar Lab: Descriptions, examples, videos, researchers, and links to resources.

Why Young Sunflowers Follow the Sun: YouTube describing the biological rhythm and hormonal responses of young sunflowers.

Biosystematics: 5%

General Readings

Walking on Water: Insect's Secret Revealed by Robert Roy Britt, LiveScience Senior Writer: Article on how water strider walks on water.

Gastropods: General site on gastropods.

Mealworms Description of mealworms and their care.

Ulothrix: Description and images of Ulothrix.

Horsetails: Good diagram of horsetail.







